sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Explosion and radiation leak in Japan after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami

The earth is still shaking

Japan's worst earthquake and the tsunami
nuclear explosion and leakage, killed 703​​, a deceased
U.S. alarm and destruction in the Pacific.

The largest earthquake in Japan's history and fifth in the world, ofmagnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale or 8.9 on the basis of the United States, which occurred on March 11, 2011, northwesternJapan and caused a tsunami with waves up to ten meters,destroyed everything in the front, leaving a projected balance sheet, according to Japanese police, the dead 703 ​​and causeda stir worldwide.

But also caused on the morning of March 12th, a loud explosionnear the No. 1 reactor at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima,240 kilometers from Tokyo, where it increased the level ofradioactivity. In the area, according to witnesses, had columns ofdense white smoke, and four workers were injured, according toAFP.

This occurs after the nuclear alert was declared after radiation leaks, the Japanese government said they were "minimum" of two nuclear plants in Fukushima. They were the problems in fivereactors, forcing authorities to order the evacuation of some46,000 people.

Explosión  en Japón tras el terremoto, eltiradero.net
Although initially tried to downplay the problem, is now recognizedthat the problems are serious and Industrial Safety Agency ofJapan Nuclear, said "the merger could be taking place in theirhearts" in the I Fukushima reactor.

In addition, the tsunami that struck the countries bordering thePacific Ocean, killing at least one dead and three injured inCalifornia, severe damage to San Francisco (United States) andother damage in Peru, weakened after reaching Mexico,Ecuador, Chile, the Hawaiian Islands and the Kuril Islands(Russia), among others.

But it is expected that Japan, in cleaning and debris removal affected areas, the death toll is higher because many are losing ships and trains, in which hundreds of passengers traveling.Therefore, speak Nipponese media that the victims will be about 1,200 people in nine affected provinces.

In the same vein, the spokesman said the minister, Yukio Edan, that the emergency committee meeting held in Tokyo, said the victims will be more than 1,000 people after the earthquake, the biggest "since the Meiji era, in the century XIX, as the recorded data. radiation leaks that the prime minister said to be "minimal" But the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, in addition to the irreparable loss of human lives and serious damage also caused on the morning of March 12, a day after the earthquake, a strong explosion near the No. 1 reactor, nuclear plant in Fukushima, where the level of radioactivity has grown considerably.

This explosion, face trestigos, columns of smoke density of great height, as reported by AFP, injuring four workers.

All this happened after the occurrence of radiation leaks at the Fukushima nuclear plant, according to the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan found radioactive cesium in the vicinity.
Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, who went to Fukushima nuclear power plant to inspect nuclear plant, said that radiation had been released from the plant was minimal.

However, measurements indicate that the level rose to a record level, according to the Japan Industrial Safety Agency, which amounted to 1,000 times higher than normal in a control room of one of the reactors. However, the government initially said the radiation released was too small and Nuclear Safety Agency says that did not involve a risk to the health of residents.

But as the day progresses, the news coming more and more alarming, according to the Agency for Nuclear and Industrial Safety in Japan, has come to ensure that "could be the ongoing fusion in their cores" on a nuclear reactor that Fukushima, also confirmed to Kyodo.

46,000 people evacuated in ten kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear plant
To avoid problems, the Japanese authorities extended the evacuation area from 3 to 10 km around the Fukushima nuclear power and ordered the evacuation of more than 46,000 people living nearby.

In addition to reducing the risk that may involve these nuclear power stations, experts opened in a controlled valve of bells that house the reactors, to try to cool. To this end, the release of steam, to relieve pressure inside.

The experts decided to make this move with the advice of the Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan, which had been a change in radiation levels, which increased in level 1 of Fukushima. And, according to their measurements, the main entrance radioactivity exceeded eight times its usual level.

Although he was hopeful that this will solve the problem, this attempt has proved unsuccessful because as cool now.

Moreover, in another nearby plant, the number two technicians also had problems when it comes to cool three of its four nuclear reactors, as declared by the operator of these facilities, Tokyo Electric Power Corporation.

The redemption will be long and arduous, the extent of affected areas after the disaster, the worst earthquake in Japan in 140 years, now expects the country of Japan a long task of rescuing the victims, assistance to survivors and work cleaning, to be followed by a painful reconstruction.

To carry out the Government of Japan has provided 50,000 military made rescue efforts, a task that will be facilitated by 190 aircraft and 25 ships.

Besides the United States has offered to help with transportation, so bring your boat, in which the troops will move Self-Defense Forces of Japan's army, to the affected areas.

Very serious damage to infrastructure and housing addition to the irreparable loss of life, Japan will face a long task of reconstruction. And so, after the earthquake and tsunami, especially after rl have been completely destroyed, according to the local agency Kyodo, at least 3,400 buildings and 200 have been victims of the flames after numerous fires.

Among the worst affected areas highlights the eastern province of Japan, Iwate, where entire villages disappeared after hitting the streets and houses and the tsunami, with waves of ten feet, dragged buildings, factories, offices, farms, boats, and a longList of buildings. Another city that suffered the worst part was terribly Sendai, a city of more than one million inhabitants, the capital of the province of Miyagi, where they drowned between 200 and 300 people after the tsunami. 

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