viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

How much is the average monthly cost of car insurance for a 17 year old?


Insurance Car by kahala

Question by Miranda: How much is the average monthly cost of car insurance for a 17 year old?I'm 17, almost 18 and I've been looking into buying a car for myself. A used one of course. Anyways, I'm wondering how much it would generally cost a month for car insurance. Also, what are some of the best car insurance companies that are helpful and cheap? Thanks in advance guys!Best answer:

Answer by evongolistahmm all depends where you live and if other local teens with cars arent the smartest drivers. but id say ave in eastern pa is about 0 to 0 if your insured alone. sad but yea its expensive here. hope where ever you are its a little better.

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